Na Bàird: Niall O’Gallagher & Rody Gorman

Join Niall O'Gallagher, the 2023 Comunn Gàidhealach crowned bard, and Rody Gorman, who was the crowned bard between 2021-2022, for an evening of Gaelic poetry as part of Book Week Scotland.

Na Bàird: Niall O’Gallagher & Rody Gorman

About Na Bàird: Niall O’Gallagher & Rody Gorman

Niall and Rody will be reading and discussing their poetry and how their work has been translated to other languages.

Niall O'Gallagher is well-known as a poet and journalist. He was awarded the Gaelic New Writers Award by Scottish Book Trust in 2010, and has since published four collections of Gaelic poetry, including Fuaimean Gràidh / Sounds of Love (Francis Boutle Publishers, 2023), which was shortlisted for the Derick Thomson Prize for Best Poetry Book at the Gaelic Literature Awards 2023. He was crowned as An Comunn Gàidhealach's bard at the Royal National Mòd in Paisley 2023.

Rody Gorman is from Dublin originally, but now lives on the Isle of Skye. He has published several poetry collections and was the Gaelic editor of Northwords Now for many years. In 2021 he was awarded the Comunn Gàidhealach Bardic Crown at the Royal National Mòd in Inverness. His most recent book, Lorg Eile / Final Call (Francis Boutle Publishers, 2022) was shortlisted for the Derick Thomson Prize 2023.

This event will be taking place in Seminar Room 1, Level 1, Sir Alex Ferguson Library, Glasgow Caledonian University.

Tickets (free):


Thig còmhla ri Niall O'Gallagher, bàrd a' Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich 2023, agus Rody Gorman, a bha na bhàrd a' Chomuinn 2021-2022, airson feasgar de bhàrdachd Ghàidhlig mar phàirt de Sheachdain Leabhraichean na h-Alba. Bidh Niall agus Rody a' leughadh is a' bruidhinn mun bhàrdachd aca agus mar a thèid eadar-theangachadh a dhèanamh air an cuid bhàrdachd.

Tha Niall O'Gallagher aithnichte mar bhàrd is fear-naidheachd. Choisinn e Duais nan Sgrìobhadairean Ùra le Urras Leabhraichean na h-Alba ann an 2010 agus bhon uair sin tha e air ceithir cruinneachaidhean bàrdachd fhoillseachadh, a' gabhail a-steach Fuaimean Gràidh/ Sounds of Love (Francis Boutle Publishers, 2023) a bha air geàrr-liosta Duais Ruaraidh MhicThòmais airson Leabhair Bàrdachd as Fheàrr aig na Duaisean Litreachais 2023. Chaidh crùn Bàrd a' Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich a bhuileachadh air aig a' Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail ann am Pàislig 2023.

Tha Rody Gorman à Baile Àtha Cliath ach tha e a-nis stèidhichte anns an Eilean Sgitheanach. Tha e air grunn chruinneachaidhean bàrdachd fhoillseachadh agus bha e iomadh bliadhna ag obair mar dheasaiche Gàidhlig aig iris Northwords Now. Ann an 2021 chaidh ainmeachadh mar Bhàrd a' Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich aig Mòd Nàiseanta `Rìoghail Inbhir Nis. Bha an leabhar as ùire aige, Lorg Eile / Final Call(Francis Boutle Publishers, 2022) air geàrr-liosta Duais Ruaraidh MhicThòmais 2023.

Bidh an tachartas seo a' gabhail àite san Seòmar Seminar 1, Ìre 1, Leabharlann Sir Alex Ferguson, Oilthigh Chailleanach Ghlaschu.

Tiogaidean (an-asgaidh):

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